Image Converter
if you need convert the pictures from different directories into another
file format, our product will help to solve your task with a few mouse clicks.
Supported the most popular document formats including png, jpeg, gif
Thousand files will be converted automatically during few seconds.
You may not only change the image format but also additionally to change the color resolution,
image sizes, compression and/or pixel format
Command line arguments allow to use the tool from other programs or run by scheduler.
- no any external products/libraries must be installed for correct work. You don't need install MS Paint or Photoshop -
our utility will open all your documents without these tools
- very fast picture processing
- easy run - just specify the folder with images
- extended options for masks: to specify the files by wildcard like arc*.doc or in????2008.*
- full control via command line arguments
- detailed log with list of processed pictures
- you may see the progress of process and/or cancel the conversion in any time
Supported source formats
- Windows bitmaps(.bmp)
- Windows icons(.ico)
- Windows metafiles(.wmf)
- Windows metafiles(.emf)
- JPG images(.jfif)
- JPG images(.jpg)
- JPG images(.jpe)
- JPG images(.jpeg)
- Windows bitmaps(.msk)
- Windows bitmaps(.rle)
- Windows bitmaps(.dib)
- Tagged image file format images(.tif)
- Tagged image file format images(.tiff)
- Encapsulated Postscript images(.eps)
- ZSoft Paintbrush images(.pcx)
- ZSoft Paintbrush images(.pcc)
- ZSoft Paintbrush images(.scr)
- Photoshop images(.psd)
- Photoshop images(.pdd)
- CompuServe images(.gif)
- Portable network graphic images(.png)
Supported destination formats
- bitmaps (*.BMP)
- jpeg (*.JPG)
- gif (*.GIF)
- metafiles (*.WMF)
- extended metafiles (*.EMF)
- portable network graphic (*.PNG)
(click on image to enlarge)
